Category: Uncategorised

How to Register

To post spots on GB7MBC, you will need to be registered. Just send an email to including your callsign and I will set that up for you. You can also have a password if you wish but that is totally optional.

Registration and HRD

I have noticed an issue a couple of times recently. HRD has a tick box in the cluster options pane labelled ‘Increment SSID’. This has been provided to get around an issue where you potentially lose connection but the cluster does not see it and you remain logged in and unable to reconnect for a…

Still having issues

It appears that I am still having issues where the cluster is locking up. I have tried a couple of things this morning and we will see what happens. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Some issues

Hi all, I am having some issues with the cluster. Without getting too technical, the host machine is running up to 100% processor which locks up the cluster. I am actively working on it but there may be some outages at times I am not watching (for example when I am asleep ;)). My apologies…

Pirate spots

Hi all. As we come up to the IOTA contest, I have been seeing a LOT of pirate spots regarding Russia. I *think* I have managed to filter them all out but the occasional one may get through. I will try and keep an eye on it. Ian (G0VGS)

Now Back and working fully :) is now pointing at the correct place so e everything should be back to normal. I can only apologise for the delay in fixing this but it came on a bad weekend with the Jubilee happening and people off work. Thanks for your patience!

New Host

Hi all. I have moved the cluster to its new host and some of you appear to be struggling to get in. The correct address should be port 8000. If any of you are using, that appears to have gone. You could also try using the IP address directly. port 8000. If…

Why I run registration on GB7MBC

This post from M0URX explains it better than I can 🙂 Clusters and Sysops

Website rebuilt

Hi all, I have completely rebuilt the website as it was really slow after I moved it. I am still working on it but the basics now work as expected. Everything is over to the new server now.

Move Complete

I *think* I have everything over to the new server and working, including this website. Please let me know if you find any issues.